- Incoming Transmission -
Priority: MEDIUM
Encryption: HIGH
From: Iain Jamieson
Subject: Interestin' Characters - 03-07
Hello comrades, just lettin' yehs know about a couple ae incidents, meetin' people in space.
Jamieson appears on the viewscreen, although he seems unusually saddened.
On the way tae search for war-weary pilots in Bering, we met a Planetform transport marked Azuko, haulin' Tobacco. I was disappointed in a fellow Bretonian's unwillin'ness tae contribute, but we let him return tae Hamburg after gettin' lost.
I also met another transport, coyo, in Frankfurt. Assumin' me tae be a pirate, I was left tae explain myself. Tryin' tae slow him down while I did this, he opened fire. Takin' that as a sign he wasnae chattin', I left him tae his business.
Erich then sent word over ae a Wraith just outside Bielefeld. Recognisin' him fae the Embassy, he struck up a conversation with the man, Herman Kiefer. After some talkin', he revealed himself tae be rather a desolate man - viewin' himself only as a tool tae be used by the Military, or us. Then, he opened fire upon my ship and fled for the Frankfurt hole. Wi' myself and Erich damn well surprised, we managed tae calm him down a bit and continue our talk fae a bit further away. It saddens me tae hear of his story:
Due tae the war, Kiefer contacted the Bundschuh tae smuggle his family tae the relatively safe Kusari. The Polizei heard ae the transport's journey and destroyed it, killing them. Blamin' the Bundschuh, he killed the activist who broke the news, and vowed revenge against us. Wishin' tae die in a glorious battle wi'out other purpose in his life, he'd come tae find us.
However, we convinced him somewhat tae change his outlook, so there may be hope for him yet...
Matthias, ye may hear fae him soon. Try yer best, but be careful - he is still maddened wi' grief.
Jamieson is still obviously saddened, as if he has some understanding of Kiefer's struggle.