Despite flying with him many times during his time in Rheinland, Jamieson had not known a lot about Kluggman's past. It was good to learn of his motivations now though.
Still relatively new to the precise details of Westerwald's history, he was content to listen to the conversation while enjoying his beer. However, speak of its (lack of) use to the cause did remind him...
"I havnae had the guts tae fly deep into that cloud ae death like Erich here", Iain said, with a respectful nod towards his drinking partner, "but even the outside holds some benefits for us. Erich and I managed tae change the mind ae one ae your fine citizens after a view ae the minefield. When ye see somethin' like that, slavery and political prisoners ain't much ae a stretch ae the imagination..."
Feeling that he'd said enough for now, Jamieson quietened down to listen once more, taking another gulp of his beer.