departing to : Kusari Naval Forced HQ
source : [KNF]Da.D.Takata
raport : 22/11
[color=#000000]For all Kusari Naval Forces patrol unit:
Pay attention on two ships that are constantly occurring in the Seto
The first are merchant ship, the type of "Titanic", under the name "Mika".
Ship does not indicate affiliation, and when scanning determined to owned by identification card "InterSpace Commerce- Liberty Corporation"
Ship was spoted in the sector Kyushu, with loads of Military wehicles, failed to respond to the orders that surrender cargo, attempted escape route through the new Tokyo, opened fire on the KNF officers and committed violent docking at Shinjuku Station.
The second is - KNF gunboat, with the Independent Miners Guild affiliation, identification cards Freelancer. Ship named "Le'Geuvix" which could be observed next to Shinjuku Station, not responding on the call to explain how to possess this type of vessel, and attempted escape route by Kyushu. an attempt to stop the ship failed because of attacks several ships from Blood Dragons.
The ship was tracked by radar and contact with him was lost somewhere in sector Orkney.
Orders - Both ships, arrest to the nearest base,and in case they not want to cooperate - destroying