Quote:Just one: Spore ... the last game I ever plan on buying.
Too bad I have to wait till march ...
every game that i want is coming out in march... it is a very wise tactical move for the longevity of a company to push back release dates in the way that all the games on my list have been pushed back.
they are pretty much done, finished games. They however are not being released until march because of the new fiscal year... I just hope they take the extra time they have to really make the games perfect.
spore is #1 on my list:)followed by left for dead, then rainbow six vegas, and a few others.
Vegas is out already i know, im just too cheap right now to buy it:(
Now back to spore!
First thing im going to make is the creature from the vg cats comic.
"You gave it butts for eyes?"
"YES! it poops to see!"
oooooooh i cant wait for that game.
*Wilson shows off his ham sandwich* - Armory.003
*mark placed on Unit-sk855's forehead* - Head hitting the desk as of reading the above