Comm ID: Ryouchi Kokuri, Chusa
[color=#000000]Subject: Patrol report To: Kusari Naval forces database
Dragon threat is always near, even today they dared to come very close to Yokohama shipyard.
[KNF]Ca.Ryouichi.Kokuri: Saaaaaaa
]bd[-Naki.Yamu: ha here is the traitor in the true emperor
[KNF]Ca.Ryouichi.Kokuri: So close, how dare you to bring shadows over here?...
]bd[-Naki.Yamu: I bring death, not only shadows.
[KNF]Ca.Ryouichi.Kokuri: The Death is just a new beginning...
[KNF]Ca.Ryouichi.Kokuri: Only with defeat you know how to win...
]bd[-Naki.Yamu: You shall fall, perhaps you are stronger now, but the dragons of the true shogun will crush the traitors
[KNF]Ca.Ryouichi.Kokuri: But the old wisdom is not remembered by you..
]bd[-Naki.Yamu: Dogs of the corporations
[KNF]Ca.Ryouichi.Kokuri: Some of the old ways dont fit the current times...
[KNF]Ca.Ryouichi.Kokuri: But so be it, you will be honored with a fight
[KNF]Ca.Ryouichi.Kokuri: Hai, prepare your katana
]bd[-Naki.Yamu: That fight will be your end corporate slave
He was honored with a duel, even when he did not deserve it.