Well Samura has largest H-Fuel shipping facility in Sirius, second is Gas Miner Ogashawa, joint Kishiro and GMG mining and shipping facility.
Quote:A swirling world of blue and green, this is a relatively recently opened
system, first discovered by GMG miners in 550 AS, searching for new deposits to replace the gradually diminishing supplies in Sigma-13. It soon became their richest grounds, its only disadvantage being a very long distance to market -- the Jump Hole that traversed the gap to Sigma-13 was too small and unstable for large commercial transports. The GMG, tired of their unequal relationship with Samura, turned to Kishiro. In exchange for 50% financing of a Jump Gate from Honshu to Sigma-19, they gave half the gas mining rights in Sigma-19 to Kishiro. The gate was built in 650 A.S., marking a turning point in the relations of GMG and the two Kusari industrial giants. Samura looked on nervously as their 300 year old monopoly with the GMG began to crumble.
The newly constructed joint GMG/Kishiro base of Ogashawa is now the second largest H-fuel shipping platform, after Samura's massive Osaka facility.