Enforcer Jericho reporting in. Less than an hour ago Beta Flight was scrambled to deal with an unknown vessel breaching the Pueblo Station perimeter. Sure enough, there was a hostile vessel there, the -UA-Davao, emitting an usual EM signature. Upon closer inspection it appeared to be of Battleship tonnage, difficult as it is to believe. I proceeded with caution - it was definitely some kind of ruse by the Lane Hackers.
As Beta Flight closed in, and the -UA-Davao spouting nonsense about classified tasks, we fired Cruise Disruptors in order to pin down the vessel. If such a ship had breached our perimiter so easily, we could not let it escape. The hostile warship then went weapons-free on Beta flight, battering my wingmen and forcing three of my wingmen to return to base. I feared that we were outclassed, but, miracle of miracles, a Hellfire Legion Battleship called the HFB-Ven'Gyr emerged from Silverton Field. Commanded by one Fleet Admiral Steele, they announced their intentions about some kind of "justice" and opened fire on the -UA-Davao.
Now crippled under our combined firepower, the -UA-Davao approached Ontario Jump Hole {ref:Anom/Colo/HoleOnt} and jumped through. Leaving my remaining wingman behind to guard the area, I followed the ship through the Hole. Dangerous as it was to utilise this anomaly, the stakes were far too high to worry about my own safety. As chance may have it, we must have crippled the hostile ship's engines - it was adrift in space on the other side of the anomaly. A punishing broadside from the HFB-Ven'Gyr turned the -UA-Davao into a flaming wreck and it slowly broke apart.
<File 3> - Ship's log' Wrote:[03.12.2011 14:45:29] Ageira|SF|Black-6: What the hell is that?
[03.12.2011 14:46:34] Ageira|SF|Black-6: UA Davao, identify!
[03.12.2011 14:46:46] -UA-Davao: yeah
[03.12.2011 14:47:30] Ageira|SF|Black-6: I repeat, identify yourself.
[03.12.2011 14:47:40] -UA-Davao: its obvoius
[03.12.2011 14:48:10] Ageira|SF|Black-6: It's impossible for the Lane Hackers to have a ship of such tonnage.
[03.12.2011 14:48:21] -UA-Davao: oh...
[03.12.2011 14:48:24] Ageira|SF|Black-6: That looks like the mysterious Hellfire Legion battleship.
[03.12.2011 14:49:04] -UA-Davao: u only seen of of the psyglass 5 -UA- captainshas it
[03.12.2011 14:49:18] Ageira|SF|Black-6: What rubbish are you spouting?
[03.12.2011 14:49:25] -UA-Davao: one of*
[03.12.2011 14:50:23] Ageira|SF|Black-6: What are you doing here?
[03.12.2011 14:50:34] -UA-Davao: looking for something
[03.12.2011 14:50:40] Ageira|SF|Black-6: What exactly?
[03.12.2011 14:50:50] -UA-Davao: its classified
[03.12.2011 14:50:54] -UA-Davao: ;)
[03.12.2011 14:51:08] Ageira|SF|Black-6: Classified? Ha! Classified is violating our secure perimeter!
[03.12.2011 14:51:36] -UA-Davao: well have it ur way
[03.12.2011 14:52:20] -UA-Davao: so this is the one u w8ting for
[03.12.2011 14:52:33] Cpt.Reloaded: what can i say
[03.12.2011 14:52:40] Ageira|SF|Black-6: I'm only hearing static...
[03.12.2011 14:53:08] -UA-Davao: i seens it in our 1st contact, some in ontario
[03.12.2011 14:53:20] -UA-Davao: sense*
[03.12.2011 14:53:43] Ageira|SF|Black-6: I've got no idea what you're on about.
[03.12.2011 14:53:52] -UA-Davao: dah,
[03.12.2011 14:55:23] -UA-Davao: what that for?
[03.12.2011 14:55:34] Ageira|SF|Black-6: We can't let you leave alive.
[03.12.2011 14:55:46] -UA-Davao: ok fine
[03.12.2011 14:55:46] [HF]-HFB-Ven'Gyr: Ageira Black Six, this is Warhammer Actual, Fleet Admiral Steele.
[03.12.2011 14:55:50] -UA-Davao: weapons hot!!!
[03.12.2011 14:55:53] [HF]-HFB-Ven'Gyr: I've received reports of a nuisance.
[03.12.2011 14:56:05] -UA-Davao: engaging!
[03.12.2011 14:56:07] [HF]-HFB-Ven'Gyr: And I'm about to drop the hammer to dispense some indiscriminate justice.
[03.12.2011 14:56:09] Ageira|SF|Black-6: I'll take any help.
[03.12.2011 14:56:35] [HF]-HFB-Ven'Gyr: Bow before the Legion's might, vermin.
[03.12.2011 14:58:24] Death: -UA-Davao was killed by an NPC
[03.12.2011 14:58:32] [HF]-HFB-Ven'Gyr: Our work's done.
[03.12.2011 14:58:43] Ageira|SF|Black-6: Thank you... for the assist.
[03.12.2011 14:58:52] [HF]-HFB-Ven'Gyr: Don't mention.
[03.12.2011 14:58:55] [HF]-HFB-Ven'Gyr: Steele out.
[03.12.2011 15:01:07] Traffic control alert: Ageira|SF|Black-6 has requested to dock