A short person walks into the room. He seems to be mad about something with no reason. He gets his application form and goes into the corner to fill it up.
Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2727
- What is your full name? Bob Nahuya Smith
- Where do you live? In New London. Small apartment near docking bays.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have? I use to be a hired transport. Carrying all kinds of stuff. After that I decided that big smelly cargo ships aren't my thing and I got myself a Charon. I was escorting merchants and hunting pirates latly. To be perfectly honest Me hates those stupid annoying pirates - what they do for their living - NOTHING - just pay me pay me - BOOHOO ... ( he stops for a second looks on what he is filling up - " well they should know what I think about it right? " - he thought ). So ye I am a good fighter pilot.
- To what division are you applying? <strike>SecxEx</strike> <strike>SexEc</strike> Ex/Sec The Exploration and Security Division
- Do you already own a ship? If so, what kind? If it is not listed above, can you afford one of the ones listed? Well I do have my good old Charon but I can afford getting other one.
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why? I am not. Stinky cargo bays - no no.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports? I need money...I need health insurance...I need to work for my retirement oh oh I want to help developing the main Bretonia company so Bretonia will grow stronger! Yeah that.
-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc (minimum of 100 words) I dislike:
Colors: Blue, Yellow, Green and Brown.
Things: Hammers - I always aim at my fingers.
Ships: Big old smelly cargo bays.
Names: Kusarian ones...I hate my second name...but my father was Half Libertonian/Half Kusarian/Half Bretonia that's probably why my mother true Bretonian lawyer couldn't ressist. I hate lawyers.
I also hate - pirates, terrorist, sky, too bright yellow or white sun, asteroid fields, glue, cats, dogs, birds, pigs....animals...they are smelly and make a lot of mess - I hate mess, I hate water, I hate food rations, I hate getting shot at, I hate when my escorted transports are being shot at...well that's most likely half of things I hate including this pencil I am using now. I don't remember the rest. I hate corsairs too.
I like - myself, working long, getting paid, girls, whisky and a good food at the restaurant. I like Bretonia - I like Red and Orange and DARK colors. I also like meeting new people...as long as they are quiet and they are friendly. I also like when people give me things. OH I like flying a lot.
About myself: I am Half Kusarian/2 Halfs Bretonian/Half Libertonian/ that explains why I got these eye on me and I am short and I am nervous a little. I live in New London in my flat. It's close to docking bays...they are so freaking noisy I swear sometimes I would love to get some eggs and start throw them on the upcomming ships! GOD do they really need to put everything so loudly " HEY JOSH PUT THAT THERE NOW GOD DAMMIT " Why he needs to shout it for the love of...So yeah I always lived on New London, my parrent left to Gran Canaria and have a little house there. They wanted to spend rest of their lifes in quiet place. I am after West Point flight school and I also passed all exams in Bretonia to have all needed papers to fly nearly everything that will be avaible. I am quiet, solid partner, I follow orders, I don't complain. All I need is money and work. I can't stand these ships comming and going out I want to get out and fly at last...I was unemployed for some time now...it's hard to get job in Bretonia with my...looks. I hope you will give me a chance to prove myself. My spoken english is a little ... worse then written(//in RP - I don't have trouble in either of those) one but I understand what people tell me and I can communicate preety well. No troubles there. So basicly...I wasn't ever stopped or wanted...nor I have ever broken any law. I am a good Bretonian and I love my country. All hail the Queen.
So yes preety please give a chance to work with you and won't regret it.