Patrick calmly sat down , listening to the Story's before he himself nodded , he looked at the Commissar and began to tell his own
"My Name is Patrick McKinley , Comrade Commissar , I was born in the Magellan System. My Father was freelancing multiple jobs while my mother raised me. I myself worked in the lower classes of Planet Manhattan and Pittsburgh, but i got layed of by the Captialist Bosses , credit hungry , when they hired cheap work from out of the Systems and about 1000 of us Common Workers got fired. It is at that point that i decided to , as a Common man, work for the better of the Common Man, which brought me here to the coalition , as i see many goals the same as mine, but mostly, the Common Man fighting for Common Men."
He Paused shortly
"I am not a person of giving great speeches about how much better i am then anyone else. Because i am not, we are all men fighting for the same cause, side by side, Common Men fighting for the Common Man."
He looked at the Commissar , waiting for his Reply