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ID: Sam Mc'Clintock
So moight be toime f'r me te drop in s'me message about what i've b'n doin' all toime. So few weeks ago boss talked 'bout this weird yellystuff. now oi new a fella who's in tha koind 'f stuff. He got me six containers full of s'me sloime, got no other word f'r it. Its disgustin' stuff but they are fresh. d'livred them on San Juan. Also this ore buisness is very lucrative but its not the koind of traide oim lookin' f'r iff ye get'n me! Its bloody borin'
Also ran me in s'me hacker boyo's, One 'f them a certain schilling's, fella was pretty trigger happy and not much 'f ne talker, shot ne' couple 'f diruptors and unloaded his wep'ns on me shield. Really should learn 'ow te' adress ne Junk'r cap'n, called me his bloody son *laughs loudly* In the end s'me fella called Barbossa came to his senses and told em t' leave me boat as they would be in more trouble. *grins* Can ye b'lieve tha? Seems some fellas respectn us eh!! Got s'me convers'ion proof iff ye may need'n it boss.