Comm ID: (]o[)Christian.Burton
Location: Livadia Shipyard
Good day!
Senor Garrison, We accept your terms. We will bring no salvage gear to investigate the wreckage. However, we have a lot of equipments to bring and Dankien Moebus, one of the Omicroner Senior, would like to assist me with a second science vessel: the (]o[)Hermes Luxury Yacht ship in order to conduct a full scan of the wreckage. We are ready to leave for space. We could meet the 101st pilots that will escort us in orbit of Planet Malta or at the place of your choice. Just let us know about it.
I've made a change regarding my participation. I turned it into a scientific support instead of an escort. Anyway, when will be in Malta we don't risk anything.
Thank you very much for your attention,
Best regards,