####Incoming Transmission####
#### Priority: Low ####
#### From: Planet New London,New London - Liam Arthur McGreen ####
#### Landing: Borderworld Exports Recruitment Terminal ####
#### Subject: Registration Request For Liam Arthur McGreen ####
##Liam Start's to fill the form##
- What is your full name? Liam Arthur McGreen
- Where do you live? Planet New London outside of town
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have? i was a freelancer traded good from a sector to another just to keep my head above the water for the last 6 years
- To what division are you applying? i want to apply at the shipping division that what i have done since the past 6 years
- Do you already own a ship? If so, what kind? If it is not listed above, can you afford one of the ones listed? i got an Shetland-class Bretonia Train for now but we dont know about the future
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why? i would name it ''McGreen'' since its our family name when i pass away so my son can keep flying it
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports? i live in bretonia , iam britonian and want to join an britonian company oh and to serve the crown
-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc iam an intelectual guy that like to spend time in the pub with friends and drink some ale the only thing i cannot stand are merc's merc's are the scum of sirius pirates have no other choice to be a pirate but mers do their job at their own will they keep join an raider group that rob's a trader gains cash then they head to the wanted board and hunt the pirates. i hate merc's ..