The solution that the OP of this thread suggested is only neccessary if the problem he highlighted is also perceived as a problem by those instigating this change to the tech rules. And I think it's quite clear that the people making this change do not believe that RP has anything to do with PvP effectiveness of a ship.
I've heard good arguments and other proposals for systems to replace them, but each has the ability to be abused. Give an inch, lose a mile and all that. This system, being automated, does not suffer from those problems. Perhaps it's "unfair" to those who've worked/RPed for stuff outside the norm, but then if they truly did it for the RP, they shouldn't mind the change. To those who say that PvP is part of RP, I would agree, and the limits of that RP is being changed for you with the endorsement of the administrators, who govern the server's limits. Is that unfair that your RP is being changed by someone else? I suppose so, but sometimes limits are needed to stop people from RPing ridiculous things. Maybe it wasn't ridiculous to you, but it was obviously beyond the pale for the administrators and the developers.