' Wrote:Meanwhile in my pm:
[16:57:01] ???: я ж кстати, когда-то в эджах был
это был такой маразм
[16:58:59] ???: сидишь на соляре, зафейлил на гб - идешь за бомбак, там зафелил - идешь за вхф
[17:00:07] ???: у каждого было минимум по 3 перса, и их по почереди юзали, противореча одному из основных правил
"i was in edge once"
"it was so stupid"
"you sit on solarius, failed in gb - take bomber, failed in bomber - take vhf"
"everybody had at least 3 chars, and they used it in a row, breaking one of main rules"
Posting with sender's permission.
UPD: That guy says that only he had just 2 ships, most other people had the whole line from makos and down. Oh well.
This is simply a lie. We had always a publicly accessible list of ships listing all of them and their ownership. Later on we even introduced a special naming convention to allow everyone to identify a player behind a character: EDGE|XX|Shipname, where XX was unique ID of a player. Accusing us of re-engagement is just lame. If you mean, however, that we were withdrawing part of our forces from the system, and then these players, in accordance with the rules, switched to more appropriate ships, then you're damn right. This is called battle flexibility, it is allowed by the rules and makes perfect sense. If we were re-engaging, why nobody was sanctioned for it? This is just low. And by the way, during 14 months of existence we had only three battleships in total.
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