' Wrote:Meanwhile in my pm:
[16:57:01] ???: я ж кстати, когда-то в эджах был
это был такой маразм
[16:58:59] ???: сидишь на соляре, зафейлил на гб - идешь за бомбак, там зафелил - идешь за вхф
[17:00:07] ???: у каждого было минимум по 3 перса, и их по почереди юзали, противореча одному из основных правил
"i was in edge once"
"it was so stupid"
"you sit on solarius, failed in gb - take bomber, failed in bomber - take vhf"
"everybody had at least 3 chars, and they used it in a row, breaking one of main rules"
Posting with sender's permission.
UPD: That guy says that only he had just 2 ships, most other people had the whole line from makos and down. Oh well.
Well, say hi to ****** from me. :) Nothing in the rules that forfeits you from using your <strike>characters</strike> ships in a row, as long as you stay alive and are able to dock outside of enemy range. Am I wrong?
But I guess ****** got that part wrong.
And well, since you brought it here....
Quote:[2011-08-12 14:41:54 | Edited 14:43:32] Илья.(me): erm, I'll describe it in one sentence.
****** starts a duel (I dunno whether it was inRP or ooRP) in shared [RF] sabre against RM, when RM was losing Azure in his EDGE manta was passing by, RM asked for help, got feeded, ****** went to our channel in Ragemode.
Then he decided EDGE isn't for him. Guess he's still angry at us.
As for rule violation part.
We were using EDGE|ID|shipname code in our ships. Also, before that was implemented, you could always check our database, all our ships and players/characters they belong to were listed there. I really see no problem with sanctioning someone who violated the rules. You could ALWAYS check who you were fighting with. We were one of the most open faction in terms of available public information about our ships&players they belong to.
So, please, abstain from slander. If you have anything, go to the Rule Violation Reports section. K'ay?