This probably is the wrong place to post something like this, but I think CODENAME weapons in general are just a bad concept.
Codenames are obtained by those who have OORP "mule" characters for the sole purpose of farming these weapons through meta-information. Not to mention, Codename economics is stupid. It's dumb to pay 20 million credits for a fighter weapon, especially when it respawns endlessly.
Codenames should be removed or the method in which they are procured should be changed. The entire codename concept is OORP, none of the guns have any "lore" to speak of. The method in which you purchase Codename guns is also OORP.
With that said, I hope civilian weapons get buffed and I hope more variety of civilian weapons is added to the game. Civilian weapons are good for factions as much as they are independents.
"Muling" characters for the sole purpose of procuring Codenames should be banned. Maybe I should make a different thread..