Quote:For those still not listening. You are not special. The word is equality, and there is no reason that you should be beyond it's scope simply because you have played the game longer than others. Your role play will not be hurt in the least by this change. You do not have to get rid of any current tech mixes and more mixes will be opened up to you.
Oh...I see. You loose the edge in combat that your favorite tech mixes gave you before. Well, if that was the reason for all your vaunted roleplay.....then I couldn't care less. You are one of the people this is meant to slap down.
That's freaking fantastic and you're my new favorite person around here.
Quote:3) The new system allows Administrators and Developers to spend more time working on making new and exciting content because they will not have to spend so much time on sanctions for tech infractions. Each hour spent on sorting he said, she said, I can haz? posts, and They can't haz reports is another hour they can't spend on updates and bugs.
So what about super oorp combinations? Like a Xeno Battleship? What about Ships? Will they still be restricted by ID?
Rather confusing because this affects so many things that operate the same way...