jus a question... i have to understand that Faction IDed factions will get nerf by using civvy tech? unless for example, corporate IDs? and, if the tech chart will not be for use, we, the users of the Generic Id's we'll be able to use civvy gallic tech everywhere? carbine and pot-de-fer guns for every generic ID^^ at least will soften the disadvantages if those IDs.... not to mention to increase the ship variety for us.... the generic ID users^^
anyway, some people say the impartiality of the system... it would be if everyone had acces to all kind of ships with their ID, without exiting if their ID permits (i mean ships range from the feeblest to the strongest), of course, for a lot of IDs has no logic for an example, a corporate using a cruiser or else.... what i see here is, instead of make things equal, will increase (and greatly) the gap between the generic IDs and faction IDs , not to ment faction IDs that don't have a full proper shipline... (Xenos, GC or Gaians comes to mind)