' Wrote:Why didn't the devs published the Changelog a few days in advance?;)
-That would have taken care of balancing issues.
-No wondering whether ship is gonna get buggy in new version.
-People would be more patient now:
To be honest I don't think there'll be a detailed changelog (i.e. ship xy got changed in this or that way).
a) it would be way too long, I have some logs before we started to use the SVN fully (which was like 1,5 years go) and it's a few pages just for balance stuff
b) might be a good idea not to disclose everything
ex. when prætorian dodging got tiny bit lowered in 4.85 update 3 there were threads on forums how it's useless within minutes after the release. If people weren't told 99% of them wouldn't ever notice the small change.
@ Agmen, yeah, can sell all but max 6 primaries no matter what BS you have. Stats will upgrade automatically and you'll be left with turrets to just sell after the update.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.