Encryption Level: None
Comm ID: NLCoreyP98029[VBAF-HD807]
Message Target: Border World Exports Department of Human Resources, Scarborough Station, Newcastle
Message Source: [Private Terminal] Merchant Vessel Messana BMV-1066, IPS Freisdadt Station, Omega 7
Subject: Application for Employment
Attatched Files: BowEx App. Form 8209-2727
I am Captain Corey of the Merchant Vessel Messana, currently docked with Freisdadt Station. After reading through your organisation's various neural net posts I have decided to submit an application in hopes of gaining employment with Border World Exports.
I look forward to your reply, Cheers!
Phillip B. Corey
= Opening Attachment......Download Complete.... =
What is your full name?
Phillip Baxter Corey
Where do you live?
My current address is Apartment 2087 on Waterloo Station, New London, though mostly I live aboard my ship.
Where was your last place of employment?
My last place of employment prior to becoming an independent trader was as an officer of the Bretonian Armed Forces, specifically as captain of the destroyer HMS Phaeton.
What experience do you have?
Royal Naval College, New London: 4 years, graduated Magna Cum Laude.
Bretonian Armed Forces: Cadet Officer, HMS York - Lieutenant, HMS Hellespont - Captain, HMS Phaeton, totalling 20 years.
Independent Trader: 8 years.
To what division are you applying?
I am applying to the shipping division.
Do you already own a ship? If so, What kind?
I own a modified CT-49X Gull designated MV-Messana BMV-1066, constructed by Deep Space Engineering at Baltimore Shipyards fourteen years ago. Since I purchased her she has undergone significant refits, mostly at Southampton Shipyard.
If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?
I would retain my ship's current name, if only because I have worked with her for eight years and couldn't think to name her anything else. Even so, she is starting to show her age and retrofitting her is becoming increasingly difficult - if I were to acquire a new vessel, I would name her Warspite after the ship that first got me interested in large craft back when I was a teenager.
Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
It's no secret that Bretonia is in dire straights, and though I am long retired from the BAF I believe it is time that I put my mercantile skills to use aiding her and also believe that Border World Exports is the best vehicle by which to achieve this. In addition, I wish to become more involved in Bretonia's merchant community than I have been.
Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc (minimum of 100 words)
I was born on Southampton Shipyard - an odd place to call home, yes, but both my parents were corporate employees for BMM. I grew up around large ships and love them to this day; indeed, it was my love of large starships that spurred my application to the BAF to experience life working aboard some of Bretonia's finest warships. My ultimate goal, achieved upon my honorable discharge from the BAF, was to own my own ship. Since then I have been ferrying raw materials from the Omega systems to New London, though I do make the occasional run to Liberty and back when required.
Likes: Chips with malt vinegar, tinkering with my ship, entering Cambridge from Omega 3
Dislikes: 'Sairs, Hessians, and other assorted criminal scum.