The main problem with all these systems is that they remove the player from the "normal" universe, specifically having to deal with tradelanes and cruise. A couple of examples were already listed, where traders can avoid pirates and pirates can avoid lawfuls. Another example, if military forces can go from point A to point B in a far-removed system, without being spotted by patrols, what's the point of having patrols exactly? Everybody get their caps and just wait for the cloaked/jumping caps to show up.
This is compounded by some of the mechanics that are used to implement the systems. One obvious example, if a jump drive is stored in cargo hold and not mounted as equipment, then it can be traded onto the ship in space, and traded off of the ship in space. And if it works across multiple systems (even though fiction only allows worm holes to work across neighboring systems), then the charging delay and fuel costs are irrelevant--just start the invasion in your guard system where nobody will bother you, then tranfer the equipment to a trade ship when you arrive at the destination. Suppose instead that you had to mount it in (say) the thruster slot, with power taps in the turret slots, and that it could only work across one system at a time. Then you could still use it for RP, but you could not use it for no-hassle invasion.
All this stuff should mount in the thruster slot and use turret slots for power taps. Pick if you want to play in the public universe or your own universe.