To: Matthias Andrewson, TransDiv Manager
From: Jace Mattews, Captain of 'Ageira|Terror' Stork - CT-73 Civilian Advanced Train
Subject: Successful G/L Parts Delivery to Miura, Gift From GMG
Mr. Andrewson,
I was contacted by a GMG miner in Okinawa today. GMG|Tsukai informed me that the Gas Miners Guild wanted to promote their new product, H3, by loading the "Terror" for free. It was also "to thank Ageira for its supply of parts to our new Jump gate and lanes in Okinawa and Sigma-19"
I insisted to Tsukai that the GMG be compensated for his work. We negotiated a discounted price for the load. I told him "your business is just as appreciated".
Minus labor, fees, and taxes, I forwarded 10mil credits to the Ageira Bank.