' Wrote:I believe the texas gate was experimental, in that it was long ranged.. able to reach from Texas to Shikoku?.
The problem occured, when the wormhole passed through the galileo/kepler dark matter storm, and dark matter spewed back into the texas system through the gate, causing a massive explosion.
Least I think thats what happened.
Think a bit bigger.
Try... Sirius Sector to Earth.
Disabling a Jump Gate is an electronic measure, not a physical one. We could speculate that eventually the access codes to a particular Jump Gate could be hacked, thus permitting traffic through the Gate again.
Re: Destroying Jump Gates.
No one knows how to disassemble them, except for Ageira & DSE. Therefore, the only way to destroy them is through sheer brute force. The effect of destroying a Gate, however, is not directly comparable to the Texas incident: the manner in which it was destroyed is not related to its size or temperamental nature.
Dark matter along the path of the Texas Supergate's wormhole passed back through said wormhole to the point of origin. Contact between anti-matter and matter caused a massive explosion, rupturing the Gate's structure, and causing the wormhole to collapse, and a significant quantity of the dark matter was spread throughout Texas. This explosion destroyed Dallas Research Station and a number of ships in proximity to the Texas Supergate.