' Wrote:Alternatively, we could enable collision damage with roids. High mass vs high mass collisions means lots and lots of damage. The non-shield kind. If you want realism that is. But I suspect you're just after making your bigbadbattleship behave much like a fighter does.
Not quite. I learnt myself how to get through roid field without the need to type /stuck too much (or at all), even on Valor in T31.
But those liiiitle asteroids are still damn annoying. And break immersion. As, like, it's harder to get through field that consists of small sized asteroids, then through the one with large-sized ones. And the smaller they are, the more the headache.
But I doubt anything can be done bout this, without increasing server lag =\
EDIT: Forgot to tell. I don't own Ranseur or Legate, and my Mako now holds a huge advantage against them in a dense asteroid field, as any other light bs. (unless it's Kappa or another weird asteroid field).
' Wrote:Please do it.
And what would happen to hessian Jormungad spam then?
Or, more likely, how much ossies, Jormuns, Makos and other small-sized bs'es would need to get nerfed to pay off for their invulnerability against heavy battleships (Turtles, Legates, Nephilims and so on) in asteroid fields ? How will sairs move their Legates out of Omicron Gamma? (although, that can be solved by creating passages through roid fields, but doesn't solve balance problem of big vs small)
And... Full cerberus LibDread will be just :crazy:
Imo, giving balance team more headache then they have by inserting another factor into the game wouldn't be wise:)