1/ Lolwuts that do not get rp/rules. IE get killed 30times in NY but keep on launching to re-attack,or think once they die as a trader they can launch,and sit in front of player that killed them spouting they cannot be killed again.
2/ Factions thinking that every non faction player has to do as thier told, and follow their RP or get listed KOS/FR5'd and a crap load of other punishments.
I also somewhat agree with posters first reason of Elite players thinking they are somehow better then other people 1000s of Klicks away that they have never met.
I don't think many people leave because of the lulzy goodness often on display in our favorite system.
Invite only factions, elitist attitudes, and a general unacceptance of newer players are all larger contributors to people leaving than lolwuts.
On an aside, why anyone would feel elite from blowing up a pixelated space ship with another pixelated space ship is beyond me, but I digress...
IMO, the biggest contributor is simply boredom....you can't do the same thing over and over for days, weeks, months, even years on end without eventually getting bored.