Well read the thread. He wanted an admin's Opinion. He could have as well go and read stuff? When we told him that it was right and all the facts he rages ?
I dont see any wrong in thinking persons like him as xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if they dont take things right. He still dont want to agree that factions control a larger part of disco RP.
I would be glad to help if he has a good way of taking things and analysing them rather than putting stupid arguements and raging over things. Fault is on the new players basically. Respect must be earned.
I never call anyone lowluts unless they call someone else. You simply can see he called other people as lowluts when he isnt perfect himself?
It doesnt mean i am perfect either but people should try to learn rather than showing stubbornness and stupidity over things which are true.
So not every case is like this. Fault is sometimes on the Old players too but on Warhalk's Case ts definitely on him.
And warhalk again i tried to make things clear to you. not to rage you. I dont see why you say you wanted to learn when GRP tried to reason but still acted NO U DAI!. Its not learning atleast not the good method. I dont rage for things like caling me names. If you want help about thing i can add you to gallic lawful chat and thereby you can clear your doubts there. if you want a go in that add: narendranpandian.
If you havent noticed i lead a gallic faction full of new players whom we are trying to help. But Attitude towards criticism is important. Tolerance is important:)