' Wrote:By "New" I meant new to gallic space. Anyway, I am sorry. If pointing things out means insulting you then I am sorry.
I don't think reasoning with you is not gonna work. But I am sorry is all I have to say.
Quick Quote from Dab for those who think they are controlled:
Which means we cant establish a Faction without having you as head?
No, you can run your own faction, and I don't have very much control over your actions. All I mean is that, in-roleplay, Aurelia DeFrance leads all of Gallia's military. While you would operate semi-autonomously, she could still step in on certain things if what you're doing is harmful. The faction rules have something for this called Faction Rule 2 (FR2) that allows official factions to set some guidelines for unofficial factions and indies to follow. Traditionally though, I try to avoid using FR2s as I like people to have as much freedom as possible.
So In-RP, you'd be a semi-autonomous fleet.
But trying to dodge RP of factions means that you are not getting freedom? you wont get it anywhere if i am right unless you are a generic ID user.
I am not arguing you have a little power over GRP indies. You however have no power over GRN indies. Faction rights apply to those with same ID as your faction, not other factions.
But do not worry. My GRN/Gaillic junker/ trader char in Gallia all deleted. So you can do as you plaese in Gallia, and i will do as i please in Sirius.