With a quick and sudden move Commisar Vorshevsky stood up, grabbed the gun, and pistol-whipped the stunned recruit. Lev was knocked back in utter shock. The guards started to move towards the recruit, but Vorshevsky motioned them off. Towering over him, he began to speak in a deathly tone.
"When you think, it means you are unsure! When you think, it gets you killed!"
The officer grabbed the recruit by the collar, who was bleeding heavily from the head, and rose him face-to-face with the enraged Vorshevsky.
"You always need to know! Especially when it comes to taking another's life!" Vorshevsky threw the recruit down to his knees, cocked his pistol, and jammed it into Lev's forehead.
"Who sent you spy!? The Corsairs, Rheinland? How much are they paying you?!"
Recipient of the Hispania Memorium, Golden Fourragere, Halo of Valor, Order of the Red Star, and the Hero of the Revolution