' Wrote:I suggested something similar to this idea. My idea was to attach commodities to id's and then allow them to have a bonus when they purchased and sold those commodities. Some people liked it some did not and the powers that be chose not to implement it.
However, the way people chose to play this game is up to them, but someone somewhere feels the need to restrict the way others choose to play for whatever reason.
If someone wants to spend/waste the time to trade, shoot rocks for hours on end, kill pirates or be a pirate I think we need to let them do just that and quit trying to restrict peoples gameplay.
People need credits in this game to do many things such as buy another ship to create other characters, buy bigger ships, pay for bounties, or contracts they negotiate with other factions etc.
If someone wants to buy all the battleships they can what does that matter to anyone else?
I am not a good pirate and I do not necessarily dislike playing them, but I do not want to restrict the benefit that others get from pirating.
Just play the game and quit worrying about how others choose to play.
If that is what you think then there are no need of rules!! I dont feel bad about all traders but dont like when i see zoner 5k docking on house bases and unaffilated pilots flying 5k cargos. If the zoner(talking about indie powertrader) gets no bonous on selling commodities on house bases then they will not dock there(yes, they dont allowed by id but whose stopping them when no one is there to see).
However im not saying restricting but motivating house trades and rp trade. If every traadeing faction get bonous on certain commodities then we will see a good rptrade.