' Wrote:I was thinking about powertrading problems and while price of commodities are increased i think soon we will see huge number of cap ships.
Implementing these will reduce powertrading.
' Wrote:This isn't about capital ships, really it's none of your business what people choose to spend their money on.
This is about improving trader RP. And Xoria has done a good enough job that profitable routes are spread throughout Sirius.
' Wrote:That is what im trying to say from the first but people doesnt getting it. Its about spreading rp. Should i change the title of the thread?
Excuse me please, but your first post somehow made me think you were talking about "powertrading problems" and "capspam" since you kind of mentioned it, so i might have missed what you were talking about "from the first".
So yea, from my understanding powertrading is excessively trading on profitable routes... and i don't see a problem with that - that is even totally inRp for anyone roleplaying a trader that wants to maximise his profits.
If i got my Junker shipping Niobium Ore bought from IMG through Omicron Alpha to NB and who ships MOX right back to Valetta Shipyard, then that is perfectly inRP for a shady Junker supplying both sides of a war.
And both sides didn't care about what i was doing "at the other side of the jumphole" as long their supplies were coming steadily.
If you are talking about not-so-RP-Cargo.... then who are you to tell people how to RP their traders?
Even a Luxury Liner Captain can stockpile food in his CARGO-hold if he's up for some more profits when flying empty is the alternative.
One could even see the "passenger" commodity not as real passenger that uses cargo-space but just as a place holder for the place needed in the cargo-bay to supply the passenger (like water, food, whatever).
In that case a captain having no passengers could use his cargo-hold for other goods, like food or ores.
Or would you consider it fine RP to put the passengers into the Liners cargo-hold instead of putting them into their cabins? You aren't storing your ships crew in the cargo-hold either are you?