Capitalism may be the worst economic system, except for all the others. In a free market, I have the option to pick the best plan for me, from a range of suppliers, at the price I wish to pay. As soon as you get government involved, there are mandates of what plans have to be included, thus increasing prices and consolidating supply. That is not only bad for the consumers, but it is also bad for innovation. And let's not even get started on how bad unions can be....
The ideal political system is one that heavily favors governments small enough that they are forced to answer to the people. Government on a house-wide level only needs to be strong enough to protect the population during emergencies. Any kind of strong government is a bad government.
We do not need sweeping socioeconomic changes that go against the values that our house is founded upon. All we need to do is think for ourselves and restore power to the people.