Comm ID: Brandon Garrison, Admiral 101st Ghosts of Razgriz
Location: Charbydis Naval Base, Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha
Buenas dias. Apologies for things taking so long on this end but Gallic incursions have picked up and we've been a bit busy organizing suitable receptions.
We have decided to allow you to salvage the wreckage of the Namura in our space. Your salvage teams will be allowed access to Omicron 85 and quarters will be arranged on Bastia for the crews to use while operations are ongoing. If you require an escort to Livadia we will be glad to offer any assistance we can.
Of course there are restrictions. As per your last visit, all ships will have their navsystems disabled while in Omicron 85. Once you clear that system, you may power them up, of course. Also, any ships must be accompanied by a Ghost (101st member) while in said system. You know our security concerns, so this shouldnt come as a surprise. We also are interested in acquiring one of your Aquilon carrier class vessels. As the Ghosts are primarily a snub force we are intrigued by the possiblities of carrier capabilities. Whether it is armed is up to you; we are more interested in using the ship as a test bed and possibly the basis of a prototype if we find the concept useful.
Let us know if you find these conditions amenable.