Elaina knocked lightly on the open door frame to the recruitment office before walking inside. She was relatively young, with black hair framed a pretty but unremarkable face, contrasting against her pale skin along with her large, dark eyes. They were hard eyes, not the eyes of a young woman, as they were cold and stoic.
She stood at attention, indicating military history, before the recruitment officer's desk, hands clasped behind her back, and gave the officer a short nod. "Sir. I am here to enlist." she said simply. After a short pause, Elaina continued. "I originate from Liberty from a middle class family, and have been near combat vessels most of my life."She paused for a moment, her expression blank, but it was clear that she rememberd a bitter memory.
Elaina sighed, before talking again. "I understand that you have quite a job to do, so i'll make it brief. I know how to fly combat vessels, both for combat, and for reconnaissance. I've led ship to ship boarding parties, successfully capturing vessels. I hold no pride to this, it is just something that i have done." Without looking down, Elaina reached into a pocket and pulled out a Coalition pamphlet. "In the Coalition, I understand there is a hope for fairness and equality for all, and I would much wish to be a part of it, as it holds everyone on an equal standing, and holds no preference for one over an other."
Carefully folding the pamphlet again, Elaina placed its back in her pocket. "Ask me any questions you require, and I will answer as Honestly and as extensively as i can."