Canis paused for a second as he noticed the gun at him, but continued to answer the Commisar.
Two reason's sir. One. I am not different. Everyone else who has come through your doors sir simply wanted to prove themselves to a point. I could have simply not wasted your time and applied for Volgograd Industries and served them, but I chose to come to you sir to see what a man like myself could be tempered and steeled into. I have been a working man near as long as I can remember, and now have an opprotunity to be turned into something more than one more gear a machine of labor. And Second Sir. That bullet. It it may take only one to end my life. But it could used more efficiently than to have it shot in my head. Such would be a waste sir buy the people who made it. I have made my choice sir in seeing you, and I do not think you want to waste time and resources to have to deal with a dead man on your floor.
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005