I've got Adoxa's Hudshift lying around on my server, but not JFLP, I'm afraid.
Installation instructions:
' Wrote:Hudshift seems to work just fine for me - just remember that you need to reapply the changes to dacom.ini after every update, as it may have been overwritten/changed by the update.
Here's a download link for Adoxa's Hudshift that I (temporarily) uploaded to my server, since it doesn't seem to be acquirable anywhere else online after Adoxa's server went down. Hopefully it'll be up again soon.
What you need to do is:
1. Add "hudshift.dll" to the list of DLLs (under [Libraries]) in dacom.ini, located in Freelancer install directory\EXE
2. Move hudshift.dll to Freelancer install directory\EXE
3. Move hudshift.ini to Freelancer install directory\DATA\INTERFACE
4. Open hudshift.ini. Find your monitor/window aspect ratio or resolution. It's at the top of the .ini.
5. Remove the semicolon - the ; - from where it says [;HUDSHIFT] for your resolution/aspect ratio
6. Save hudshift.ini. Launch Freelancer.
If you've got any further questions on this topic and/or can't get it to work, send me a PM or make a new thread in the Discovery RP 24/7 Tutorials & Support forum. This thread isn't the correct place to discuss it.
EDIT: Links updated, 06.05.2012
EDIT2: Adoxa's site is up again, use that to download Hudshift instead (if it's up).