"Oh I might do this, or do that, or be more vague in my answer. If it's hostile you know I might do the same as what I do to everything that's hostile...."
He got up from the desk and paced around the room.
"Which is what exactly!? Have dinner with them!? Let's see you be more vague, explain Katz's New Economic policy why it is a tool of economic warfare."
Masha continued to maintain her position. She did not allow her eyes to follow the man who held her fate in his hands. It was a test, of course, but at this moment and at the hands of this girl... it felt more like a joke. Who was this girl, and why should her fate be tied to hers? Vague indeed. The directive was clear as well as her orders... But why does this girl hesitate? Masha kept her eyes fixed upon a new spot on the wall, she noticed the blood droplets now...
She willed the girl to get on with it. Masha knew that any answer the girl could give at this point would be less that satisfactory and she made her peace with that. The longer she waited... the more angry she became.
Still, from her exterior, Masha could have been fashioned from a block of ice.