Thank you Linus, the stocks have been updated according your deliveries. You will be rewarded as explained below.
Here are some news of the Trade and Supplies department:
- we are currently updating the trade database to reflect changes in prices and suppliers. Up until now 20% has been accomplished. We intend to complete the update within 10 days.
- the trade routes posted on the Freeport XV should be seen as out of date. They will be upgraded when the database will be updated.
- the stocks have been assessed and we have some work to do. All commodities in the list below that will be delivered in omicron-theta or 74 will rewarded at the end of the month (the rewards will be calculated according to the new trade database):
Aluminum -15000
Bioneural Processors -15000
Consumer Goods -8130
Counterfeit Software -1200
Engine Components -4500
Fertilizers -15747
FlorAgro -9000
Food Rations -34523
HazMat Canister -2120
Luxury Consumer Goods -8940
Manifolds -15000
MOX -19939
Nanocapacitors -4500
Neon -16340
Optical Chips -14940
Oxygen -36040
Pineal Amulets -8940
Ship Hull Panels -1820
Super Alloy -49100
Superconductors 8986
Synth Paste -2367
Water -28663
Note that you can deliver the goods to any of the Tetha or 74 stations, check the price of each station to maximize your profit.
- Additionally, Freeport 9 require some special needs, look at this transmission and deal directly with the Freeport 9 administration.
Thanks for your attention.
Dankien Moebus
Omicroners Senior