*Barry walks into the bar, takes a look around, then lights a cigarette and sits next to Clyde*
"'sup, man? Befo'e yah's ask, yeah, i lost tha Mayhem, but we got out 'n been picked up by a passin' Junkah. Guess Noc's still talkin' ta him, ye we picked him up, too, 'n i guess tha's Junkah guy wants cash..."
*he sighs and inhales the smoke*
"YO BARKEEPER! GIMME S'ME BOOZE! Right, whe'es i been? Righta, thus Lost Star fellas. Dunno whe'e all thus lads came from. Guess they's seen us comin'.
*He throws the cigarette on the ground and lights the next one*
"But i'm glad ta see yah's made it outta this hell, lad! Tha's what happens if yah's expect a calm flight. What else 's the'e ta say? Le's have s'me mo'e drinks, mah man! BARKEEPER-LAD! 2 mo'e fo' me 'n mah friend!"
*he exhales the smoke and drinks from his beer*
"Well...guess tha's stuff on mah base is bett'r..."