Quote:- What is your full name?
Allycia Zoe Larson
- Where do you live?
I live in an apartment on Lancaster Trade Center.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
I have been a freelance pilot for years. I have experience in freight moving, mining, and escorting.
- To what division are you applying?
- Do you already own a ship? If so, what kind? If it is not listed above, can you afford one of the ones listed?
I currently own an Arrastra, but I can use my savings to buy a transport
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?
I've always been fascinated with ancient mythical creatures, so I would name my ship Rizos after the black dog of ancient Europe.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Bowex has let me live on their station for years, so I want to return the favor. A stable job isn't very bad either.
-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc (minimum of 100 words)
First, and most importantly, I was born without my eyesight, but I have created a device that is more or less sonar, which lets me know my surroundings both on foot and in space. Additionally, I consider myself good with most kinds of technology, as I studied technological systems at Cambridge for two years. I enjoy all kinds of music, but my favorite would be orchestra due to the varying sounds that seem to paint a picture, ironic I know. When I'm not working, I usually spend my time trying to improve my ship's systems or listening to ancient mythical stories.