' Wrote:Subtargeting with gunboat missiles was pointless, even in 4.85 half their damage was shield based. For the exact reason I'll defer to the balance folk in dev central, but I suspect it has something to do with folks fielding 4 gunboats and just missile spamming the snot out of fighters - since there's no ammo to the missiles, fighters really have no defense against mass missile use by light caps. Switching them to EMP forces gunboats to actually start aiming at their targets (although missiles can still be used to surpress targets, especially bombers, by disrupting their power core).
Did those folks responsible for balance take into consideration that once gunboat is armed with a missile, it's anti-gunboat capabilities in 1x1 fights go down the hill, if it's a turretboat?
This, and gunboats were already pretty useless in large furballs, they were always first to go down.