' Wrote:Flying hordes of corsair caps make no sense InRP, that is all I am going to say about this.
Hi Vito
This will always be a hot subject..
I sense you have seen the worst side of this :-)
Can we agree that Cap ships should not be used to ruin the gameplay experience of others?
This must be the primary objective.
If players raise serious objections to the idea of 20 Corsair capital ships and forbid ECG from flying them, then what is to stop those 20 players from buying cap ships out of ECG and doing it anyway, except this time without any control or Code of conduct?
It seems that is what has already happened and that this has led to this discussion...
ECG have been piling the skies as a loose assortment of big ship owners, and we aren't the only ones.
The alternative is a blanket ban.. but thats elitism in play.... at the end of the day, to refuse any player the right to fly a ship he likes just because another player "doesnt like that" is not entirely fair either.
So: my perspective is that using formal faction rules to prevent non-faction players from exploring a game feature is simply an enforcement for the sake of enforcement, regardless of how well wrapped it is in RP lore.
Its a purity law that will reduce the gameplay experience of quite a lot of players.. Never a good thing, regardless of the RP environment.
I think that this is in alignment with what Discovery RP is about, since no formal ban currently exists...
Sadly: this results in the abuse... Its a catch 22.
I believe in a middle path.
The compromise would be to give those players a system where they can explore the Cap ship experience, out of the way of the other players gaming experience.
One of the primary reasons why ECG are applying for Formal faction status is to buy our own system, where we can patrol all we like without interfering with others.
You said it yourself: too many ECG hanging round Crete.
Give us a home and we'll go there :-)
And if that ECG-system gets a reputation as the most heavily guarded system in Sirius ... well I feel that's not breaking any Corsair RP model but instead reinforcing it...
Corsairs as a spacefaring nation that put 99% of their planetary budget into defense is likely to have a bucketload of cap ships... floating around some base station.
The threat of that fleet coming out.. is exactly the sort of threat that other less-militaristic nations would fear.
As contemporary examples I offer you Russia at the height of the cold war, North Koreas standing army, or the new face of Chinese military might.
No-one wants any of these guys putting on their boots. Am I right?
Lastly: Please note: as I said before the intention is not to have 20 cap ships screwing the game up..
We will not reduce anyones gameplay experience just for the giggles of more guns.
The intention is just not to prevent players from enjoying a gaming experience and certainly we wont try to do this by defining a faction rule for purity's sake.