Me again, not going to discuss if caps are good or bad for factions as i think this decision is soley in your and your future members hand.
This cleared- it is good if you really install some training, you could ven open up those lessons to other corsair cap owners. Might even be possible to install a "complete" fleet training as in how do snubs and bombers have to behave and so on, as mass combat seems to be still quite unorganized on the corsair side and we pay dearly for it. This whole "how o defend Cete from invasion school" thing has been in my head for weeks, maybe something is growable in that direction.
And concerning the your system or your home base: i see two options
a, base yourself in Tripoly or Skiros and really patrol the whole of gamma
b, breathe life into Lambda! Huge system for training and so on, unclaimed by factions free to be filled lorewise and still within reach of crete if the alarm bells ring!