' Wrote:You should run training sessions with members of ECG that own capships, teaching them how to RP as the capitans of large vessles (Ex; How to RP multiple characters on a single ship, technobabble and shipspeak, military terminology, understanding the capabilities/ restrictions surrounding their command inRP.) Secondly, I would suggest that all players with capships maintain at least one fighter and one bomber alongside their cap ship. Thirdly, I would suggest you develope a set naming convention for capships that sets them apart from fighers and snubcraft (This isn't that important, but it does make things more organized and cool looking) Lastly, please, no misslespam boats. Just no. We have enough green on green kills already. If someone's gonna spend a few hundred mil on a cap, they can at least spend the time to learn how to shoot guns that don't blow up allied fighters.
Hope that helps.
This is a sensible approach.
Training will be mandatory, as discussed above.
I know my perspective runs a little contrary to other factions that reduce their members capabilities, ut frankly I believe this approach is a little severe.
Ideally I hope every ECG member will be encouraged to run a full Corsair flush account:
5 Characters:
Fighter pilot,
Freighter / repair,
Bomber or gunship
And a "joker" ship of their choosing for heavy gameplay... decurion with missile load out as a second to their primary fighter Titan for example, or a second cap.. or gunship... correo whatever.
We can't let the rp element completely obscure the space-sim combat part after all, and over the course of an evening on the server I would like ECG players to participate in varied missions: Not just get stuck in a single cockpit.
But its important to remember:
We will limit which ships actually come out in the course of ECG play: The intention is not that during combat an ECG can keep popping out with something new every time they are killed.
This is the Alpha Omega: ECG pilots will get to experience all the fun the different ships have to offer.. just not at the same time, or in a manner that overwhelms game-play.
Hmm.... So far the people responding tend to miss it when I make comments like that.. so let me repeat it.
We will limit which ships actually come out in the course of ECG play: The intention is not that during combat an ECG can keep popping out with something new every time they are killed.
This is the Alpha Omega: ECG pilots will get to experience all the fun the different ships have to offer.. just not at the same time, or in a manner that overwhelms game-play.
My personal opinion, quite aside from that.. is that in RP terms that the current concept that only i.e: 3 small fighters are available to protect the home planet is equally screwed up...I would kind of expect to go up against a few hundred ships and thousands of jets if invading just America for example.. so lets consider the FULL implications of planetary invasion in a fighter before we start describing anything as impractical.
I believe there is room for discussion on how many ships a player is allowed to use in defense of home planet.. I would argue that a second ship should be allowable when its about defending Crete for example.
Clearly -limiting Character spamming is an important game-play mechanism, but limiting the player experience is not something we are going to take lightly.
We won't restrict anyones ship use in their own private space until it impacts others.