' Wrote:I think what others try to say is that enjoying cap ships is okay in-game, but will not go along with Corsair RP. And in my opinion in this case the difference between in-game and in-RP is the most important. You can fly a fleet of Corsair caps, but then don't pretend to be roleplaying a wealthy group of common Corsairs, while thousands starve to death on the surface of Crete because of food shortages.*
On an other note... I see a bit of logic leading to contradiction here, could you please explain this to me?
Just a curious tresspasser...
*(This may be a bit inaccurate as I don't rp a Corsair myself, but according to members of the three official Corsair factions, I assume this is the case. Official members, correct me if I'm wrong.)
No worries. Let me elaborate a little with some examples:
Option 1:
If we tell players they cant have cap ships in ECG, they will just buy cap ships out of ECG.
Therefore ECG loses the ability to quality control how those caps are played.
This is what has been happening to the other factions. they can lock down cap ships in their own crews all they like, but the sky has still darkened with Cap ships, entirely out of their control.
Option 2:
If we tell players that they cant be in ECG and own Cap ships outside of the ECG at the same time, then the newer more casual players (that we try to attract so we can keep them off the streets and teach them a little about how to enjoy RP) will leave cos cap ships is a really cool thing they want to do; They are casual gamers that are more into the space sim-part than the RP part, and frankly put up with the rp'ing of others so they can come to a populated server.
I wont comment on this further except to say you REALLY want these guys in a faction like ECG to maximize their RP interaction level, and have some level of control.
Regardnless. the same result occurs as in option 1: We end up with uncontrolled cap ships roaming around, instead of controlled cap ships taken out every now and then responsibly.
Now Option 3 is what I think is the best chance of working:
ECG doesnt stop anyone from buying cap ships.. in fact we try to pull in ALL the currently non-faction cap ships players as we can.
We then define how cap ships can be played. When Cap ships can be played..
How ECG members take it in turns to play cap ships.
How we prevent cap ships from being used to spoil the gaming experience of others.
Thats what this code of conduct is designed to do:
ECG cannot stop the number of Cap ships from increasing in Corsair space - only a blanket ban can do that.
ECG can define rules of conduct, and then try and get as many cap ship pilots as it can to follow that code of conduct.
Does that make sense?
I'm trying to fix the problem you are all describing from another angle, simply because I do not have AND DO NOT WANT the responsibility of denying players the ships they want to play.
Now my personal opinion: Any faction that thinks it is fixing the problem by refusing players the enjoyment of flying the ships they enjoy is frankly pushing the problem out of their faction and into the open skies.
Sure, their faction will receive a boost in quality and become "purer" but the general level of enjoyment server-wide goes down a little as more and more unregulated, uncontrolled players hit the skies in their Legates.
Does this make sense?
I think this is an important issue and obviously a big contentious one.
If the admins decide to introduce new regulations restricting cap ships purchase.. I ll be very interested to see how it works. Thats the level that banning ship types needs to be: Anything else is either offloading the problem to somewhere else, or a purity law: a restriction that people will resent for the sake of not having to deal with a problem at its root source.