' Wrote:But if say, I want to spread my family's cardamine all across Gallia from Torino, what should the destinations be? What factions are open/not paying any attention to Cardamine? Gallic Junkers?
Hmm.. Well, to be honest I have no idea how the Gallic Junkers stand on Cardimine. Though, I would imagine they value it at least 'somewhat.' Since, they've always had close ties with the drug and the OC. But I don't really know exactly their whole stance on cardi..
Destination wise, I think it's safe to say Torino is your best bet. UNLESS you have some sort of a specific deal going on with the +LE+ and they allow you to bring it to one of their bases (for less profit, mind you). Or if if you're in it for the extreme thrill and RP of it, and want to make a daring move to give the finger to the GRN, just directly dock on Planet New Paris with your hold full o' cardi! :crazy:
And the others explained nicely how the UC and Maquis feel about cardi. I'm pretty sure it's a, "Carrying cardi? You're dead!" sort of ordeal going on there.