Today I witnessed a fleet of 15 Hessian vessel enter Gamma and turn it into a desert:
7 Hessian Battleships taking it in turns to snap photo ops over Crete while the peashooter from the orbital docking ring pewpews at them is quite a vision.
LESS THAN 4 hours later, the Hessian battleships returned with ANOTHER COUPLE OF BOUNTY HUNTER CAPITAL SHIPS.
this is not 03:00 monday morning.
This is 10 pm on a midweek night with close to 200 players on the server.
All our little fighters and bombers, and the occasional unsupported BS were simply turned to dust..
I had the opportunity to have my brand new Legate, which I purchased just yesterday (after countless hours sweating and sleepless nights mining, and being pirated, for silver) be destroyed by the same ships two times within 4 hours, simply because I was coming out of dock coincidentally.. I didn't lose anything but a few batteries so no worries.. but crikey - Baptism of fire!
I'm not saying this to pick on anyone . I had some highly enjoyable moments. I've posted in the Comms RP channel regarding the event and hope it will turn into a nice little RP-based event (The Vengeance of Crete! or some-such) that we can share with the other Corsair houses.
Its just that the relevance to this thread , and the irony of what occurred, as a counterpoint to this discussion, is so acute that I feel the need to comment:
Just cos there are no corsair caps in Corsair space doesnt mean there will be no caps in Corsair space.
What's more realistic now from an RP perspective?
The Corsairs can field more caps... or the Hessians can enter the system and wipe it out.
I suspect that would become a regular occurance if Corsair cap usage is limited for the sake of "remaining pure".
Now I can't help but think (rather smugly I suppose) that if the ECG had had 10 players in system we could have had 10 capital ships up there and it might have been a fair fight.
We didn't, because, based from the feedback in this thread it was decided that we would pull the fleet out so that we could demonstrate to the citizens of this server:
1. We are listening and respect when other players say we are filling up Gamma. So we moved out of sight.
2. To show we are capable of giving and taking orders, in a united ship movement.
3. To show you guys: We are not the source of the problem. Caps are everywhere.
I will leave it to my elders and betters to justify fleets of those sizes from Hessians and Bounty hunters entering our space.
I will leave it to them to explain Hessians and Bounty hunters teaming up AT ALL.
Instead I will simply say:
The rules of fleet conduct and engagement, as defined in the very first post WOULD RESOLVE THIS PROBLEM if they were observed server wide.
I can't make that happen, but I can offer it as an ECG rule, and hope you see the benefit of what we are describing here, and what it is attempting to alleviate..
From what I understand (it was before my time) before the ECG arrived and started "Cap spammin" Gamma was just a playground for invading fleets.
Does that sound right? Does that satisfy the Corsair story?
No other step, apart from removing caps or limiting players access to them, would work as effectively as applying those rules or something equivalent, and neither of those 2 steps could be taken without significantly reducing the game-play experience for everybody on this server.
I was never so sure of what I've been talking about, until right now when I witnessed Gamma burning.