' Wrote:Yesterday I've seen some of the ECG mentality again.
Rage less and chill more ECG members.
Disco is a hobby , not a job
You might be referring to myself trying to enter Gamma in a Neutral freelancer ship (Sayonara) carrying medical supplies (elixirs from Oita) and getting blown up despite my attempt to either get a little dialog going or at least a one on one duel ( I knew I was going to meet a level of hostility).
Yeah I got a bit frustrated.. and my apologies to the TBH player for letting it show. I'll apologize to him when he's online- but if you're reading Alberto.Rodriguez[TBH] I salute you sir. Enjoy the Elixirs!
The fact is I have no right to dictate how others view RP and want to roll their characters.
Perhaps trying to pull this ECG stuff together I am in danger of becoming the arrogant "play-my-way-or-else S.O.B." that I see elsewhere as a problem.... I'll try and shape up.
Let me give you my take and see if it computes:
I'm a bit chatty by nature.. my ping is high so I'll never be much of a gunslinger (not to mention my rather meager talents will always limit me) so I almost have to explore the other rp avenues.
I try dialog first, even with sworn enemies.
Some people claim even that talking to an enemy is a violation of RP: But I laugh heartily: Engaging the PLAYER that is acting out that enemy is the essence of Role-play -Whether it's to curse their mother or offer them mercy.
If someone tells me that offering mercy to an Outcast is a violation of "The law" then I will happily break that law when I come across a guy playing OC who doesn't really want to engage. I'm thinking of the players enjoyment - not the pilots mission.
I saw in Eta once, that 10 of our guys killed one OC ship who typed //OOC in system and pleaded not to be engaged. I withdrew when they ganked him..
It was an RP justifiable act, but as an player-to-player act it was an unseemly gank.
That player may just have had his night ruined.
How very noble of me. Aren't I the superior git.
Perhaps this gives me a sense of self entitlement: I kind of expect the same courtesy of other players..
See how much I still have to learn? :-)
How very naive of me - how very condescending...
All I can say is that I'm not going to try too hard to ruin his night, or any players night, simply to fit into an RP designation.
I cant expect the same. I can't judge others for being different.
Especially: I can't expect everyone else on server wants to gab with me: It's a combat game after all.
Also - back to the issue at hand: It wasn't just a TBH guy that eventually opened fire on my "ambulance" there was also ECG: so.. its just about the way the rocks fall :-)
But: Lets be honest..
The few existing corsair factions are too few in numbers and resources to address this on the server properly. 2 of the 7 empires (OC and Corsair) have been bundled together as Hispania, and only have 4 factions between them, despite having a large percentage of casual, unregulated players.
Even the newly discovered Gallia empire has 4 factions for itself, and most of the other houses have 6 or 7 - never mind the other factions that spread the differences such as Hessians and Reapers..
This is a huge imbalance due to a lack of investment in the Corsair RP interests beyond a "village of determined fighters" mentality. We have become 2D caricatures of what a Space-faring warrior race could look like.
We dress in pirate costumes rather than spacesuits.
Corsair space has therefore become a shoot-first-taunt-later kinda place.
It attracts a lot of the "no time to RP lets kill each other crowd" and new players are drawn to it for exactly that... the RP elements are obscure and pushed back, and don't interfere at all with that mentality.
These are exactly the sort of players that end up rolling cap ships out of the mooring docks. (See - I managed to swing this back to the original topic. Barely).
My perspective as the "chatty" kind of Rp'er is that if Gamma got a little bit more "RP-civilized", the other stuff, such as cap-overload, and planet-gank, would lessen a bit.
OK. I'll put on my flameproof vest now: Your take on all this is very welcome.
Question: and I'm throwing it out here for genuine curiosity:
Do Corsairs have to be so paranoid in their home space when confronted with a single neutral ship carrying supplies to them that they will shoot it if it gets lippy?
Is there any room for mutual admiration if faced with equal cockiness.. surely a duel would be a better outcome that a gank?
Do we really have to act like daleks every time something scanning white enters our space?
This essentially requires that every player behind that pilot has to walk burning coals to interact with us from an RP perspective.. and from what I've seen this just adds to the sense of self-entitlement and elitism that is so prevalent in Corsair space: which in turn leads to the overload of noobs, lolwhuts, bullies, capwhores and planet-gankers in the system.
Damn my vocabulary has increased since i signed up here :-)