' Wrote:A lot of factions on the server fulfill one of two roles...
A military force, partisan or otherwise...
And a corporate entity, interstellar or otherwise...
The RP of the combat forces tends to be fighting for there objective, and espousing there reasons for doing so. They have enemies with which they will fight on a constant basis, and if you are one of them, you can expect some very brief pre-combat\post-combat rp - but the real heart of the interaction is the fighting.
For the Corporate entities, the majority of there interactions will be while carrying out a task - such as moving cargo from point A to point B - whether on contract, or purely for individual profit. RP had will be while on the move, so it wont be a great deal - travel with them, and youll get a good deal of talking, drink sharing, story swapping, etc - but, as they say, time is money, and lollygaggin' about is no way to get credits earned (or contracts fulfilled)
You have some factions that dont fit this mold, and exist for purely individual reasons, like TAZ, whose members do just anything you can think of the environment.
Indie (non-faction) characters are where you get the large spikes - either in tremendous RP, or a tremendous lack of it.
RP is rich out in the game, I see it all the time - but the definitions of what IS and IS NOT RP is where the question comes. For a member of the ]bd[, RP doesnt come from sitting at a lane junction for an hour discussing politics with a Kusari Navy Pilot, though that is very possible - it is to come through each other testing there prowess against the other, and carrying the name of the slain with honor.
For a Gallic Royal Navy pilot, his rp comes with every single bolt of energy fired in the name of his King, and to know, that with each enemy slain, his people will thrive in the paradise that belongs to the strong.
I can probably go on, but the point stands - RP exists within PVP.
My advice - explore sirius, talk to everyone you meet, and if you've taken a side, don't be surprised if your shot by someone whose on the opposite.
' Wrote:That, a thousand times that.
However I know some on this server would take 'tutoring new players' to mean: "PM them and yell at them/threaten them until they RP" Or just simply do that without any misconception too.
Teaching new players to RP, or pming them and nicely pointing things out to them, or directing them to the forums is a good idea.
Another thing I STILL don't get that I noticed here was somebody saying the whole "Trying to RP in Liberty? lalala" thing.
Y'know it's attitudes like that that maybe drive people to avoid certain places/factions, which thusly strips more potential RP from happening.
That said, I strongly disagree that there's any problem RPing in Liberty.
Yes Liberty is where all the nubs start. But Liberty is also host to several factions with a lot of Veteran members of this community in them. A lot of people who RP quite well even.
Hell look at me, if you ever see me in game, if there's not a fight going on, all I do on my [LN] is fly around RPing or trying to get others to RP with me.
Encourage Roleplay, instead of saying LOL DON'T GO THERE. How about some of you guys ENCOURAGE people to go into different areas than usual, or try going there yourselves and start planting RP seeds. As a primarily Liberty based player I can say this:
Because of all the new players there, yes there's a lot of OORP stuff going on, but it's really pretty easy to tune out, and if you look in the right places there are plenty of people in Liberty during peak hours who are generally dedicated to the play-style namesake of this server.
EDIT: Also, I strongly disagree with OP's idea that Official factions, of all things, are behind the decrease in Roleplay on this server.
Sure there's some groups that gained Offical status and probably shouldn't have, but barring them, Official factions are generally host to some of the best Roleplayers that I know, on this server.
Also, PVP =/= RP. PVP is part of RP, but does not equal it..and I honestly hope that the people who said that here were not serious..
' Wrote:Have the same experience here. IngameRP has become some sort of luxury nowadays.
I see more RP inside the forums, than ingame.
Sad but true:
On RP-dry times I see more people on the server who believe that char-developing means getting better equipment.
When i joined a year ago i've met lots of people who did it right. People who understood that char-developing means
evolving your char's personality, point of view, opinion, morale, changing sides.
Those people are getting more and more rare.:sleep:
Im gonna quote these. All these guys (an gal) are right.
PVP is a direct reaction to RP. It is NOT a justification to hit the "Red Is Dead" button.
Take the SCRA for example. We take time to spout propoganda, or even warn civilians away before an engagement happens. We don't want to end up kiling possible defectors or the working people. In Gamma, we taunt and insult (INRP only) the Corsairs as we get ready to fight, usually having some nice back and forth.
I'd make an example for the GRN|, but we have no time but to drop notices or else we get engaged by Outcasts, CR, and BAF at the same time, not to mention KPT KuBCs. So, we're castrated. Because people want Blue Messages, and don't go by RP.
Now, Order|. I have had some excellent RP, even with my enemies. Hell, in mid 4.85 I acted as a decoy to allow a BHGC Thresher to escape from the RoS. And I escaped, because help arrived (and Illi lagged like hell and ended up being ZonerZoner'd to hell). I had fun with the roleplay that happened at the startpoint (FP11), and I knew they probably would engage me, but they did some good RP in the end before going HOLYWARDAI on me.
Also. Things won't change unless people get off thier asses and try and make the change. I always do my best to roleplay and help new guys at least get a brief, basic understanding of RP.
If everyone chose a newb and taught him to RP, we'd be doing fine.