Today i was contacted by Corzelli , that a OEF agent is insulting our force , on a regular basis.
After speaking to the said agent, I learned that the OEF are working against us.
In their opinion we don't deserve the right to be called Order, That we are backdrops.
If they think that fighting the Liberty navy, showing them we are still alive,
And playing with the safety of what's left of the order, is bravery. It's their problem.
I'll leave it to each individual member of this force, as to how to react to this.
Should the libertonians retaliate and launch an assault on Mu. We will be ready.
On a brighter note , I am pleased to see such activity from our youngest recruit.
Nicolo Masa , You are hereby promoted to the rank of ''Special Operative''.
You earned it.
And agent Freud. Pulling out was a good call.
We don't have the resources to fight off multiple core capital ships , yet.
I'll see what we can do with our bomber presence near the Delta system.
For now , keep a covert presence near the last known location of said capitals.
If those ships go anywhere near our Bases.
Alert every agent you can.
Dawn out.
Meh, I have plenty scapegoats actually
If something goes bat-**** insane:
Psymple did it, Davids did it, the Nope did it!
Dawn was out cold from the latest blow from k'hara side!
I win in any case. Don't use slurs like that, man.