Name: Isabella Arienh Hunter-Archer Age: 19 – Data suggests due to shock to her nervous system that her body does not want to age. Further information is needed. Height: 5’10 Weight: 154 Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blonde Birth Date: 10/21/798 AS
During the majority of her life, Izzy was strong-willed and carefree. As of her experience, she has grown to be less strong-willed, is more closed in, but otherwise is the same person. There is no notable change to people who met her before and after; her closest family apparently can see it. Maturity Level: Medium Alcohol Tolerance: Medium
Preferred Weapons:
Exactly 27 different knives she has stashed on herself; All are stiletto-type knives in the sense of the blade being hidden in the handle. Otherwise they vary from a combat knife to an actual stiletto.
-Seraphim Ariel Hunter (Daughter – Location Unknown)
-Soren Jacob Hunter (Son)
-Sora Kelly Hunter (Daughter)
-Jeremy Tobias Hunter (Husband - The Order
-Alexis "Alex" Amelie Hunter (GodMother) - Liberty Navy
-Ellie Marie Hunter (Step-sister, non-identical) - Order Science Division
-Seth Andrew Hunter (Step-brother) - The Order
-Rika Kairi Hunter (younger Step-sister, shares the greatest bond) - The Order
-Amanda “Aqua” Hunter (adopted Step-sister) - The Order
-Zack Cloud Archer (Brother) - Liberty Navy Captain
Known Friends:
-Kai Asuka - Freelancer (Unknown – Deceased)
-Kyoko Sasaki – Freelancer (Liberty)
-Reni Hanako – (Unknown – this seems to be more of a tolerance then friendship)
-Vanessa Larsen – Freelancer (Liberty-Deceased)
-"Sarah" - Artifical Intelligence
-Christopher Dangen - (Currently missing)
-Eriksson Ravenov - The Order
-Cindy Borodin - Liberty Navy
-Catherine Raven - Liberty Navy
-Robin Cornel - Buro de Marineintelligenz
-Strix Erica de Mortis* - Freelancer (Liberty)
-Xi de Mortis* - Freelancer (Liberty)
-Ashley Harper - The Solar Runners (Everywhere); Ex-Girlfriend but very close friend
-Andrea Ericksson - The Liberty Navy (Primary Division)
Known Enemies:
Izzy does not appear to have any enemies; she has avoided conflicts.
Known Aliases:
Iz – Universal nickname.
Izzykins – Only by Kai Asuka
Eclipse – Only by Kyoko Sasaki
The Republic of Liberty
Lawful –Oriented
Personal Vessels:
IR-7 Raven’s Talon – Midnight Roar
BJ-6 Basilisk– Lunar Eclipse
Gaian Claymore - Eventide
Born in San Mateo, the second largest city on Los Angeles, Isabella Arienh Archer moved to Los Angeles City, where she lived on Fort Edwards Base. Confined by her militaristic father, she only had her brother Zack for company. The two would sneak out of the base whenever they could and explore the city, running into a few close calls sometimes. When she was 14, her father allowed her to leave the base without him. She began to explore the city with her brother. Her father taught her self-defense, and her brother, how to use a knife. Zack was a natural with a knife, and passed his talent onto Izzy. This is reflected in the 27 different knives she carries on her person when not within her home or on the Hunter Family Yacht.
When she turned 18, Izzy began to work at a video game store as the cashier. This was where she met her future husband, Jeremy Hunter, and his younger sister Rika. They hit it off on the spot. It was a usual love-at-first-sight situation, which lasted even when Jeremy went to the Order.
Her trail runs cold shortly before Jeremy Hunter leaves for the Order, as does the trail of Ellie Hunter, Jeremy's twin sister. The trail is found in 817 AS, a few months before Jeremy Hunter is almost killed by Nathanial Valentine. She is present when we (Morgenroete) extract Jeremy and deliver him to the Oracion, which is hiding on the far side of Manhattan using the prototype "Blitz" Reactive Armor.
After this, Izzy sticks around Manhattan, moving in with Alexis Amelie Hunter of the Liberty Navy, and her daughter, Rika Kairi Hunter, who was almost murdered by Nathanial Valentine (during the same time that Jeremy Hunter engaged Valentine on the rooftops; it was a battle to save her). She then, in late 817 AS, met Kai Asuka during an pool party she had made to teach Concordia how to swim. It was during here that her sexual relations with Kai Asuka started, and continued until two weeks ago.
Before meeting Kai Asuka, Isabella had been fooling around by accepting a 'date' by a slaver named Rachel of the Pilgrim Liner Arkania. Rachel had other plans. After drawing Isabella to her room, Rachel kidnapped and began to rape her, causing a shock to her body. The shock has caused an unusual affect, which is that her body does not show age. While she does age, it does not show it.
Two weeks after she was kidnapped, Rachel used sperm cells stolen from Planet Los Angeles and impregnated Isabella as she slept, which culminated in the eventual birth of Seraphim Ariel Hunter. (Special Operations notes that, due to Isabella's impressive IQ and knowledge, she was able to build a special chamber to speed up her pregnancy to three weeks. This effect has caused Seraphim to have white hair and amber eyes). Isabella continued to be a prisoner of Rachel for two more weeks as Jeremy Hunter, aided by Eriksson Ravenov of the Order and the rogue agent Christopher Dangen, among others such as Seqouia Heather Hart of the Gaians, searched. After a failed attempt by Ravenov, Jeremy enlisted the help of his two siblings Ellie Hunter and Seth Andrew Hunter, and, using Izzy's Raven's Talon, blasted onto the Arkania and rescued Isabella. They immediately brought her back to Manhattan, where Jasmine Krenshaw of the Ghost Eye's medical crew checked her over at the apartment of Alexis Hunter. Pronounced physically fine, Isabella's mental state was a mess. While she seems to be fine on the outside, inside she can be an emotional wreck; she panics when any sort of binding is placed on her arms and legs (but tolerated it once, in the presence of Kai Asuka, but panicked when both her arms and legs were bound by Kyoko Sasaki) or when the term slave is mentioned. When the term slave is mentioned, Isabella grows angry, while when bindings are placed on her, she grows hysterical.
Isabella's main residence is with her God-Mother, Alexis Hunter, her daughter Rika Hunte as well as Strix Erica de Mortis, Strix's lover Violet ( AN Ex-GMS transport captain who insulted the King of Gallia) and Strix's cousin Xi de Mortis, the only one in the entire household excluding Rika who is not lesbian, or at least bisexual.
While Kai Asuka was still alive, Isabella took a trip to the Orkney system as a favor on behalf of Agent Lynch of the Order. Upon arrival, she found a wing of Council Agama fighters were under fire from a wing of Royal Navy Lynxes with an enemy Valor as backup. Immeidately jumping in to help the six Agamas, Isabella assisted in holding the enemy fighters off a quartet of Basilisk bombers. After the fighting died down, Isabella helped to drag one of the damaged Basilisks to Reunion station, where she discovered the pilot was an old friend of hers that she had met (this was during the time where Morgenroete lost track of her). Thanking her for the help, he passed away in peace, with his final request that Isabella be given the Basilisk. The Council approved of the man's wish, and Isabella donated some funds to the freedom fighters as a thank-you.
Christening the Basilisk Lunar Eclipse, she returned to Manhattan with her new bomber.
Recently, Isabella has suffered the loss of lovers Vanessa Larsen and Kai Asuka. From what Terminal has gathered, Larsen and Asuka were assassinated by Reni Hanako. Larsen was a psychopath who was better off dead, and Asuka, from what we have gathered, was a Spectre who merely used Isabella to procure and Artificial Intelligence. Hanako eliminated Asuka shortly after Asuka had been released from a hospital followinga coma. If Hanako had not intervened, then Isabella's current lover, Kyoko Sasaki, might have been killed. We of Morgenroete's Special Operations Division have noticed that Isabella is inexplicably drawn to Hanako, despite the initial fear of her.
It seems Asuka had not been killed by Hanako, initally, and proceeded to kidnap Isabella. Before we could move in to stop this, Hanako's Artificial Intelligence, known as Edward, proceeded to save her, resulting in Kai Asuka smashing into West Point. She is pronounced finally dead.
Isabella currently is having an extended vacation from everything on the Hunter Family Yacht on Los Angeles.
After her time on the Yacht, Izzy started to get better again, enough so that she even traveled to the Tau systems and acquired a Claymore gunship. She then broke up with Ashley Harper, the second most serious relationship she ever had, before finally ending up with Captain Andrea Ericksson of the Liberty Navy, and started what was heading into a very serious thing when Andrea disappeared, leaving Izzy an emotional train wreck. [/color]
Notes By the Special Operations Division
-Isabella only plays musical beds with women, but has made a single exception. This could be a sign of her returning to normal, or could be her trying to release grief, as we do not know if she is aware that Jeremy has survived.Our Psychologists have agreed that the only cure for her current condition is time, with people around her that care for her. The irony is two of them turned out to be complete witches. How about that. [/size]
Quote:Isabella is my second core character out of my 4 which I consider my core chars, which are Jeremy(who is my main character), Izzy, Jacob Forge and Alexis. She is my favorite female character to play, and has a lot of roleplay behind her (all of which I have never documented, so I must work with my memory).
And yes, I'm seriously saying she has 27 knives. She doesn't like what happened to her.